What does Lymphatic massage do?
Reduces swelling and inflammation
Reduces bruising
Reduces pain by reducing inflammation
May help encourage healing and outcome of surgery
Another set of experienced eyes on your recovery
What's a Lymphatic session like?
We do not drain any fluid outside the body
We do not re-open incisions
We do not use vigorous massage before 4 weeks post-op
Expect a gentle, very light massage (compared to a deep tissue). We'll position you with pillows and bolsters to ensure comfort post-surgery. The session usually starts with gently clearing lymph nodes and then will work out along surrounding lymphatic pathways. Most clients become very relaxed or even fall asleep.
First 4 weeks post-op: Gentle MLD of increasing pressure over time
4-8 weeks: Introduce myofascial massage and cupping for lumps or tightness.
Sessions include tips on self-massage and compression garments for continuing progress outside our sessions. Sessions may include cupping, gua sha, vibration therapy, hot stones, hot towels, red light therapy, and variety of massage techniques. Each session is customized at time of service.
Types of surgeries we work with and how soon to schedule
Follow your surgeon's recommendation! The below timelines are based on general recommendations from surgeons from our experience.
Pre Surgery Sessions
We recommend 1-2 sessions, at 9 days and 3 days, before surgery to clear the body for surgery and recovery.
Cosmetic Surgery
Liposuction (as soon as 24 hours)
Breast Augmentation (48 hours)
Face and Neck Lift (48 hours)
Chin or Nose Surgery (48 hours)
Skin Removal (3 days)
Body Lift (3 days)
Tummy Tuck with or without muscle repair (3 days)
BBL w/ Liposuction (3 days)
BBL w/ Tummy Tuck or Breast Augmentation (5 days)
Medical Surgery
Joint Replacement (48 hours)
Tendon, Ligament, and Muscle Repair (48 hours)
Spinal Surgeries (7 days)
Accident Recovery (48 hours)
Any surgery where swelling is causing an issue and cleared to receive Lymphatic massage by your doctor
Oral Surgeries
Wisdom Tooth Removal (24 hours)
Extractions (24 hours)
Jaw Surgery (24 hours)
Other Types of Surgeries/Changes​
C-section (3 days)
Childbirth (3 days)
Hysterectomy (3 days)
Gender-Affirming Top and Bottom (3 days)
Biopsies (24-48 hours)
​Email or call if you aren't sure about your unique situation​​​​​
Consider how comfortable it'll be to get dressed, ride in a car, and get onto a massage table, when booking your session close to surgery. Often pain medications and complexity of surgery can cause people to become faint. Do not come in if you are still heavily medicated or having a hard time with the first week of surgery. We are happy to refer you to in-home (mobile) MLD providers!! Just text us, 512-387-7037
What's Lymphatic Massage?
Developed in the 1930s, the Vodder method of Lymphatic massage, which is also called Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD), has had numerous medical studies that prove it helps increase the lymphatic flow in the body. The lymphatic system is basically the sewerage system for the body, removing waste materials and also producing cells which can combat infections.​
When the lymphatic system ais damaged or under stress, it flows much slower, causing swelling and inflammation. Surgery can disrupt the normal pathways for lymphatic fluid. MLD can stimulate the lymphatic system and direct built up fluid (swelling) in the correct direction.
How many sessions do I need?
If time and money were no matter, we’d recommend:
2-3 times a week for the first 4 weeks
1-2 times a week for another 4 weeks.
However, that isn’t always possible!
Our recommendation is plan for at least 3-5 sessions post-op. At the initial session, we’ll discuss what we see, feel, and educate you on when to schedule the next session. For younger clients with simple surgeries, that may be once a week. For older clients with stronger inflammatory responses, that may be 2-3 times a week.
Why choose Evolved for your care?
Extensive training in MLD and Post-Op MLD
Certified in Vodder Manual Lymphatic Drainage massage
Completed ACOLS Advanced 4-day Post Plastic Surgery Intensive
Completed Kathleen Lission's Plastic Surgery Recovery + Fibrosis Massage, Compression, and Massage after Tummy Tuck courses
Completed several Lymphatic Cupping courses
Loads of self research
Sessions are more than just massage
Post-op sessions can include MLD, cupping, fibrosis and myofascial massage, scar tissue massage, and other forms of massage for muscle tension or tissue release.
Have another set of experienced eyes on you during healing
Clients often go weeks between follow ups with their surgeon. Or maybe their surgeon is in another state or country, and follow-ups are virtual. MLD from an experienced Post-op therapist often calms anxiety on what is normal in healing. It also gives you a heads-up if something is a concern and needs to be addressed.
Focus on client comfort
Post-op clients have limitations on how they can lay. Amber uses stools, chairs, wedge pillows, and bolsters to make sure clients feel secure and can be as comfortable as possible. Positions may include standing, laying on a side, on the back or front, or sitting in a chair.
Self-Massage, Home Care + Compression Garments
During a session, Amber may demo how to do MLD on yourself at home, as well as other tricks to encourage lymphatic flow. Compression garments make a huge difference in healing for many types of plastic surgeries. Amber can provide feedback on fit, foam padding inserts and other questions.
You are unique and deserve personalized care
Amber offers a free 15-min phone consultation, to discuss concerns in detail and ensure timing is correct for your unique surgery. Each session starts with reviewing your concerns and outlining how the session will proceed. A session will end with Amber describing what she's noticed, how you can change home care to improve any issues, and a recommendation the timing of another session, if needed. Amber can send a plan of care and session information to a client's surgeon (requires in office release).
Email us or call if you have questions and cannot schedule a free phone consult.

Single Session Pricing
​$130 for 60-minute session
Series Pricing
(3) 60-minute sessions for $375 (save $15)
(5) 60-minute sessions for $600 (save $50)
(10) 60-minute sessions for 1,200 (save $100)​
We accept all major credit and debit cards, HSA and FSA cards. Check with your HSA/FSA provider, some require a doctor's recommendation for massage to be covered.

Meet the Massage Therapist
Amber Prosceno, LMT, CMLDT
Massage therapist with 14 years experience
Has had personal experience with benefits of lymphatic massage
Non-judgmental & compassionate of the challenges surgery entails​​
Quiet therapist, likes to create relaxing atmosphere but also loves to share knowledge!
Enjoys hiking, yoga, traveling, tea, camping, birdwatching, and historic sightseeing.